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Young Professionals of Connecticut

Connecticut Young Professionals is a statewide organization for people between the ages of 21 and 40. We actively engage the community and are working hard to make Connecticut a better place for young professionals.

Home: Mission


Cultivate valuable experiences for young professionals by providing an accessible platform for social engagement, community involvement, and personal empowerment for our members.


CTYP is a statewide tax-exempt organization. We welcome donations and sponsorship of any kind.

Home: Upcoming Events


Home: Become a Member

Become a member

CTYP is the only completely free young professionals organization in the state. We are a non-profit that serves YOU, the young professionals of Connecticut, not corporations, government, or chambers of commerces. We would love for you to become a member - just sign up and you'll automatically receive our emails. Plus, connect with us on social media and share with friends! We will never share your contact info.


If you are interested in helping us plan events, taking on leadership roles on the Executive Board, or otherwise partnering with us, please contact us at

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

- Benjamin Franklin

©2022 by Connecticut Young Professionals | Designed by Alina Nevins

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