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Elle Powell

Spotlight on Puneet Singh, CTYP's Co-Chair

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Interview by Eleanor Powell

This month for our Young Professional Spotlight we are introducing you to CTYP co-chair, Puneet Singh, a research and development scientist with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. Puneet originally hails from the Chicago suburbs and has lived in multiple states during his adult life. He is currently settled in Milford. Read on to learn more about Puneet!

How did you get involved in your current profession?

I have always loved science and math and I am a treehugger. I studied atmospheric chemistry in grad school but after many years as a postdoc, decided academia wasn’t for me. I transitioned to industry and I love it.

What are your professional goals?

To become the Chief Science or Sustainability officer of a company.

Do you see yourself as a young professional? Why or why not?

Professional, sure. Young, ehhh… it’s getting harder to convince myself of that. I don’t get Tiktok so maybe I’m old now.

If you could share one piece of advice with other young professionals, what would it be?

Don’t be an a**hole.

Are you involved in any community or volunteer work?

I volunteer when I can. Lately, I’ve been working with Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven.

What is the greatest need you see in your community or state?

Affordable Housing

What is one thing leaders in our state could do to improve your life or the lives of others?

Better public transportation. Investment in urban areas. Anything that will attract young people to CT. CT is the 6th oldest state in the country.

If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest?

Canada Geese

What’s your favorite movie and TV show?

My favorite movie is Good Will Hunting, and my favorite TV show is Community.

Thank you, Puneet, for telling us a little bit about yourself. Join us at CTYP events and meet Puneet IRL! Especially if you know anything about Tiktok, please find him at an event and teach him. He needs to know.


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